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Help Support UNICEF's Response to Explosion in Beirut, Lebanon


On August 4, two explosions hit the city of Beirut, reportedly caused by 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate being stored in a warehouse in the port of the city. As of August 5, the Lebanese Red Cross reports that more than 100 people have been killed, over 4,000 have been injured and more than 300,000 have been displaced from their homes.

Economic collapse, food insecurity and a surge in COVID-19 cases have left children and families across the country in need of emergency assistance. Hospitals, already overwhelmed, were inundated with injured victims.

UNICEF staff are on the ground, helping authorities assess urgently needed medical and vaccine supplies, rushing drinking water to rescue workers at the Beirut port and working with child protection colleagues to provide counseling to children traumatized by this latest catastrophe.

With your generous donation, you can support UNICEF's response in Beirut and help children and families who are most vulnerable during this time.

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