
Global Hunger Crisis Response

来自 International Medical Corps

Twenty million people in at least four countries are facing famine conditions. If we don't act now, millions will die.

Conflict has driven people in South Sudan and Yemen to the brink of starvation. Drought has devastated crops and livestock in Ethiopia and forced tens of thousands to flee Somalia. International Medical Corps has been on the ground in these countries for years, providing urgently-needed health care and treatment for malnutrition. But the needs are outpacing the response, and our teams must have more resources to save more lives.

Right now, International Medical Corps is scaling up to deliver lifesaving relief on the frontlines of nutrition crises around the world.

South Sudan - As tens of thousands of people flee towns and villages at the epicenter of the famine, we are the only health teams available to meet them in the remote county of Nyal. Our mobile medical units provide access to lifesaving health care and nutrition services to an estimated 80,000 people in the region.

Somalia - It’s estimated that some 100,000 people will flee Somalia in the face of devastating drought in the coming months, traveling to camps in Ethiopia and straining already stretched services. We run the only stabilization center in Somalia, where those with severe malnutrition with medical complications can receive inpatient treatment, in the severely affected southern Mudug region.

Ethiopia - Teams are distributing emergency stores of seeds to help families withstand the food crisis, and our health workers are deployed in 39 of the worst-affected areas in four regions, providing urgent access to clean water, nutrition services and health care.

Yemen - Half the country is now suffering from continued food insecurity and resulting malnutrition as a result of ongoing conflict in Yemen. Where access is possible, our mobile medical teams are on the ground, delivering supplies and providing lifesaving medical treatment and nutrition services.

Your Support can Save Lives!

By supporting this project or creating a giving opportunity of your own, you can make a lifesaving difference for families affected by crises in South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen and worldwide.

With the support of our global community, in 2023, we:

• reached nearly 16.5 million people affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and disease outbreaks;

• delivered 9,331,598 primary healthcare consultations;

• trained 107,202 people on health, mental health, protection and nutrition-related topics; and

• assisted 2,375,098 people with vital nutrition support.

Join International Medical Corps in our mission to build a healthier and more hopeful world for all in 2024.

*Note for recurring donations: Once we have determined that the community can continue to respond to the after-effects of this emergency without us, we will scale back our response efforts. At that time, we will redirect your future donations where they are needed most, to help us respond to future outbreaks of conflict, disease or disaster.

