
Support UNICEF's Response in Ukraine

チャリティ活動名 UNICEF USA

After two and a half years of war in Ukraine, children have been separated from their friends and loved ones, and millions have fled their homes in search of safety. Around 3.3 million people have been internally displaced, including 564,000 children, and around 6 million have been internationally displaced. In Ukraine, 14.6 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, including 2.9 million children.

In 2024, UNICEF remains committed to supporting Ukrainian children and families, both within Ukraine and those living in host countries as refugees. In 2024, UNICEF has:
- Helped 529,271 people access primary health care
- Provided 4.0 million individuals with safe water
- Reached 471,562 children and caregivers with mental health and psychosocial support
- Ensured 370,939 children could access education
- Reached 12,014 households with children with cash assistance

With support from partners, UNICEF will continue providing lifesaving assistance to children and families, including essential supplies through humanitarian convoys, and delivering health, nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) supplies and services. Capacity building for service providers in education and other partners remain a priority, as does child protection assistance and humanitarian cash through implementing partners.

